
ma•ven (mā'vən)

n.  A person who has special knowledge or experience;
an expert.


n.  An expert developer with great influence.

Rick Strahl

Rick Strahl's Web Log provides a variety of .NET development topics with focus on ASP.NET and enterprise development. Topics are wide ranging from introductory articles to tips and tricks, observations in the process of software development and examination of new and upcoming technologies. Content is honest and sometimes outspoken and doesn't tote any particular party line - Rick says it as he sees it.

Rick Strahl's Web Log | 25 Jul 2024 21:48

Back to Basics: Await a Task with a TimeoutSubscribe to this feed

Rick Strahl writes "....The other day I needed to set a TaskCompletionSource and wait on an operation to complete. Easy enough - you can just await the tcs.Task. But in some cases the operation doesn't complete, and so it's also necessary to allow for a time out to stop..."
Read more »  Back to Basics: Await a Task with a Timeout

Rick Strahl's Web Log | 23 Jul 2024 07:53

Work around the WebView2 NavigateToString() 2mb Size LimitSubscribe to this feed

Rick Strahl writes "....The Microsoft WebView2 control has an issue with navigating to string content that exceeds 2 megabytes. This is a nasty, but documented limitation of the WebView2.NavigateToString() method. Nasty because if you use this API you're unlikely to look..."
Read more »  Work around the WebView2 NavigateToString() 2mb Size Limit

Rick Strahl's Web Log | 19 Jul 2024 07:02

Dealing with Platform Specific Classes and Methods in CrossPlatform .NETSubscribe to this feed

Rick Strahl writes "....If you build libraries for .NET Core, you always have to take into account that they can be used cross-platform. If you're like me and have many older libraries scattered with a few methods and classes that are Windows specific from the Windows..."
Read more »  Dealing with Platform Specific Classes and Methods in CrossPlatform .NET

Rick Strahl's Web Log | 14 Jun 2024 06:12

C# Version String FormattingSubscribe to this feed

Rick Strahl writes "....I'm tired of trying to format versions for user facing interfaces after fumbling with it again and again. In this short post I show a small helper extension method that lets you configure how to form user friendly version strings to display to end..."
Read more »  C# Version String Formatting

Rick Strahl's Web Log | 27 May 2024 07:50

Mime Base64 is a Thing?Subscribe to this feed

Rick Strahl writes "....Ran into an old legacy application recently that required that attached data was preformatted to Mime Base64 which I never even heard of before. Turns out it's a 'url-safe' version of base64 that replaces certain characters that can be present in..."
Read more »  Mime Base64 is a Thing?

Rick Strahl's Web Log | 04 May 2024 06:53

Speed up your Start Menu by disabling Web SearchSubscribe to this feed

Rick Strahl writes "....If you're like me, you've probably cursed the Windows Start menu from time to time, when it's either very slow to pop up, or in some instances fails to pop up at all when you press the Windows key. This simple tip can drastically improve performance..."
Read more »  Speed up your Start Menu by disabling Web Search

Rick Strahl's Web Log | 29 Apr 2024 01:06

ASP.NET Core Hosting Module with Shadow Copy Not Starting: Separate your Shadow Copy Folders!Subscribe to this feed

Rick Strahl writes "....I recently ran into a major failure related to Shadow Copying for an ASP.NET Web app on IIS which was caused by corruption of the Shadow Copy directories. The app starts with the dreaded white ANCM Error page and event log entries that point at..."
Read more »  ASP.NET Core Hosting Module with Shadow Copy Not Starting: Separate your Shadow Copy Folders!

Rick Strahl's Web Log | 27 Mar 2024 07:59

Programmatic Html to PDF Generation using the WebView2 Control with .NETSubscribe to this feed

Rick Strahl writes "....In this post I describe how to use the Microsoft WebView2 control to automate HTML to PDF generation generically for any kind of Windows application, including services. We'll look at the WebView and it's printing functionality and some of the..."
Read more »  Programmatic Html to PDF Generation using the WebView2 Control with .NET

Rick Strahl's Web Log | 08 Mar 2024 10:21

Comparing Raw ASP.NET Request Throughput across VersionsSubscribe to this feed

Rick Strahl writes "....When I set up a new machine I usually use a small ASP.NET test project to get a feel of performance of the machine and when that happens I also take a moment to compare performance across recent versions of .NET to see how things are improving - and..."
Read more »  Comparing Raw ASP.NET Request Throughput across Versions

Rick Strahl's Web Log | 20 Feb 2024 23:08

Reading Raw ASP.NET Request.Body Multiple TimesSubscribe to this feed

Rick Strahl writes "....Some time ago I wrote about accessing raw request body content in ASP.NET Core which ended up being one of the most popular posts on this blog. But I failed to mention one major caveat: By default Request.Body can only be read once. In this post I..."
Read more »  Reading Raw ASP.NET Request.Body Multiple Times

This Maven's Blog

Rick Strahl

West Wind Technologies

Maui, Hawaii, USA