
ma•ven (mā'vən)

n.  A person who has special knowledge or experience;
an expert.


n.  An expert developer with great influence.

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Oren Eini | Ayende @ Rahien | 26 Jul 2024 12:00

Indexing only recent data - adventures with large datasets & archivingSubscribe to Ayende @ Rahien

Oren Eini writes "....We recently got a support request from a user in which they had the following issue:We have an index that is using way too much disk space. We don’t need to search the entire dataset, just the most recent documents. Can we do something like..."
Indexing only recent data - adventures with large datasets & archiving
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Rick Strahl | Rick Strahl's Web Log | 25 Jul 2024 21:48

Back to Basics: Await a Task with a TimeoutSubscribe to Rick Strahl's Web Log

Rick Strahl writes "....The other day I needed to set a TaskCompletionSource and wait on an operation to complete. Easy enough - you can just await the tcs.Task. But in some cases the operation doesn't complete, and so it's also necessary to allow for a time out to stop..."
Back to Basics: Await a Task with a Timeout
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Oren Eini | Ayende @ Rahien | 24 Jul 2024 12:00

Cryptographically impossible bug huntSubscribe to Ayende @ Rahien

Oren Eini writes "....I’m currently deep in the process of modifying the internals of Voron, trying to eke out more performance out of the system. I’m making great progress, but I’m also touching parts of the code that haven’t even been looked at..."
Cryptographically impossible bug hunt
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Oren Eini | Ayende @ Rahien | 24 Jul 2024 12:00

Cryptographically impossible bug huntSubscribe to Ayende @ Rahien

Oren Eini writes "....I’m currently deep in the process of modifying the internals of Voron, trying to eke out more performance out of the system. I’m making great progress, but I’m also touching parts of the code that haven’t even been looked at..."
Cryptographically impossible bug hunt
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Rick Strahl | Rick Strahl's Web Log | 23 Jul 2024 07:53

Work around the WebView2 NavigateToString() 2mb Size LimitSubscribe to Rick Strahl's Web Log

Rick Strahl writes "....The Microsoft WebView2 control has an issue with navigating to string content that exceeds 2 megabytes. This is a nasty, but documented limitation of the WebView2.NavigateToString() method. Nasty because if you use this API you're unlikely to look..."
Work around the WebView2 NavigateToString() 2mb Size Limit
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Rick Strahl | Rick Strahl's Web Log | 19 Jul 2024 07:02

Dealing with Platform Specific Classes and Methods in CrossPlatform .NETSubscribe to Rick Strahl's Web Log

Rick Strahl writes "....If you build libraries for .NET Core, you always have to take into account that they can be used cross-platform. If you're like me and have many older libraries scattered with a few methods and classes that are Windows specific from the Windows..."
Dealing with Platform Specific Classes and Methods in CrossPlatform .NET
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Oren Eini | Ayende @ Rahien | 15 Jul 2024 12:00

Temporal cattle and other important jargonSubscribe to Ayende @ Rahien

Oren Eini writes "....I was talking to a colleague about a particular problem we are trying to solve. He suggested that we solve the problem using a particular data structure from a recently published paper. As we were talking, he explained how this data structure works..."
Temporal cattle and other important jargon
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Oren Eini | Ayende @ Rahien | 15 Jul 2024 12:00

Temporal cattle and other important jargonSubscribe to Ayende @ Rahien

Oren Eini writes "....I was talking to a colleague about a particular problem we are trying to solve. He suggested that we solve the problem using a particular data structure from a recently published paper. As we were talking, he explained how this data structure works..."
Temporal cattle and other important jargon
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Oren Eini | Ayende @ Rahien | 10 Jul 2024 12:00

Does code rot over time?Subscribe to Ayende @ Rahien

Oren Eini writes "....“This is Old Code” is a programmer’s idiom meaning “There Be Dragons”.  The term “Legacy Code” is a nice way to say “Don’t make me go there” Those are very strange statements when you..."
Does code rot over time?
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Oren Eini | Ayende @ Rahien | 10 Jul 2024 12:00

Does code rot over time?Subscribe to Ayende @ Rahien

Oren Eini writes "....“This is Old Code” is a programmer’s idiom meaning “There Be Dragons”.  The term “Legacy Code” is a nice way to say “Don’t make me go there” Those are very strange statements when you..."
Does code rot over time?
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Featured Maven

Oren Eini is a senior developer / architect, focusing on architecture, data access and best practices. Most often, he is working on building complex business systems using .Net 2.0, NHibernate and Castle's Frameworks, providing training and guidance for the use of Object Relational Mapping, Inversion of Control, Domain Driven Design and other exciting topics. Oren is an active member in several leading Open Source projects, including (but not limited :-) ) NHibernate, Castle and Rhino Mocks.

Jeff Atwood (codinghorror)

Jeff Atwood (codinghorror) Sometimes people ask me why I'm not on Facebook or G+. I was already an AOL user once, why would I do that again? 4307 days ago from web

Jeff Atwood (codinghorror)

Jeff Atwood (codinghorror) @fmanjoo no child, even my own, is enough to get me on Facebook. I'll go to my grave without an account. I'm Just Not That Into Zuckerberg. 4307 days ago from web

Jeff Atwood (codinghorror)

Jeff Atwood (codinghorror) @fmanjoo I don't have a Facebook account, no plans to start one. Or G+ for that matter. But, I do watch TV! Well, downloaded TV. Sort of. 4307 days ago from web

Jeff Atwood (codinghorror)

Jeff Atwood (codinghorror) @fmanjoo looks like "log in - Facebook" to me 4307 days ago from web

Bertrand Le Roy (bleroy)

Bertrand Le Roy (bleroy) Julia Gillard's Speech Over Opposition's Sexism, Misogyny: via @youtube 4307 days ago from Tweet Button

Bertrand Le Roy (bleroy)

Bertrand Le Roy (bleroy) Ha! 4307 days ago from TweetDeck

Bertrand Le Roy (bleroy)

Bertrand Le Roy (bleroy) @wwahammy This is as if Creative Commons was preventing you from using Photoshop. 4307 days ago from TweetDeck

Bertrand Le Roy (bleroy)

Bertrand Le Roy (bleroy) @wwahammy "CAD files must be provided, it must use formats unencumbered by closed licenses" 4307 days ago from TweetDeck

Bertrand Le Roy (bleroy)

Bertrand Le Roy (bleroy) @wwahammy It's the case with lots of things the FSF does. I appreciate some of what they do for freedom of speech but man they're extreme. 4307 days ago from TweetDeck

Bertrand Le Roy (bleroy)

Bertrand Le Roy (bleroy) @wwahammy It's according to 4307 days ago from TweetDeck